Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

3 Subjects

Week 5 Assignment 3

Week 5 Assignment 3

Q CRJU103 – Introduction to the Justice System U.S. Amendment Report This Assessment is worth 10% of your grade ________________________________________ Outcomes Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following: Course Outcomes • Relate the components of the US Constitution to the justice system functions in the United States Program Outcomes • Prepare and evaluate reports, memos, and other documents to meet the professional standards of the justice system or private security field. Institutional Outcomes • Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats. • Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations. • Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement. • Community and Career - Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth. ________________________________________ Directions Using the template provided below, you will be providing information regarding the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments. You will analyze the three amendments and identify the rights that each one provides as well as their justice system function. From your table, for each amendment, select one right you feel is most important and explain why you chose this right. Requirements Make sure to provide the information for this assignment in your own words. Do not copy and paste information from the websites, lectures or books used. CRJU103 - U.S. Amendment Report Grading Rubric Criteria Excellent Average Need Improvement Total Points Content 70 points 63-70 Points All ideas are clearly and logically related and supports overall topic: transitions are very clear and easy to follow; paragraphs always unified and coherent. Fully supports and develops ideas. 49-62 Points Some lapses in clear or logical relationship and topic is not fully supported; some violations of transitions; some violations of unity or coherence. Ideas are not thought through well. 0-48 Points Unclear or confusing; most points are not supported and/or thesis development is missing. Little to no development of ideas, and support for ideas is missing completely. Organization 20 points 18-20 Points Chart is completely filled out and organized. The document is formatted correctly. Font style and size is consistent throughout the document. 14-17 Points The document is mostly formatted correctly. Font style and size is consistent throughout the document. 0-13 Points Chart is missing more than half of the information needed. Not organized. The document is not formatted correctly. The Font style and size is not consistent throughout the document Mechanics 10 points 9-10 points 1 or no spelling and/or grammatical errors. 7-8 points 2-3 spelling and/or grammatical errors. 0-6 points Contains 4 or more spelling and/or grammatical errors. Instructor’s Comments Overall Grade

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Amendment Rights Justice System Function 4th Amendment • Ex: Unreasonable Search and Seizure • Protects against the arbitrary arrests • Right of the people to be secure in their houses, persons, etc. • Ex. Reasonable expectation of privacy • Provides safeguard to individuals during searches and detention